Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reboot Day 2...Back to the Grind!

Ahhh Tuesday, we meet again!

Let me start off by saying Day 1 of the Reboot was a success, or at least I would say so. My workout was on point and nutrition was good, I did have one slip up though. I stayed on track until I got off of work and went home. I had to run an errand so the whole family went with me and the kids wanted Popeye's...their biscuits are my absolute favorite thing! When I was little, my Pepaw would pick me up from dance and bring me home for my parents, every week when he picked me up he had a box of Popeye's biscuits waiting. There were probably 6 in the box, he would have to tell me to make sure I saved one for my brother...well hunny let me tell ya, that one was all that ever made it home. Yep, I would eat 5 Popeye's biscuits on the way home and nope I never regretted it! Now that I'm finished with my childhood memory, let me tell y'all what happened. Basically the story is that I had a terrible headache yesterday afternoon that made me nauseated and my whole body just hurt. The nausea hit me all of a sudden while we're in line at Popeye's waiting on the kids food, not the best place to be when you feel like you're about to blow chunks. Needless to say, I knew I had to take something very quickly to try to get the headache under control and I can't take meds on an empty stomach because I'll get sick so this led to me eating a biscuit and taking a sip of coke from one of their drinks. That's the one thing I did "off of the plan" yesterday and I know there weren't any other options at that specific moment when I needed it so I did what I had to do. We all make mistakes and can't be 100% perfect so I'll just move on.

This morning when I woke up I was surprised that I wasn't sore. I remember the first time I ever did Total Body Cardio Fix I couldn't move the next morning without every muscle in my body talking to me! The very first exercise is called a "surrender", go ahead and google it. It looks like it's not a big deal, you don't think it's going to be so bad, let me just go on record saying I couldn't sit down on the toilet for days without sounding like I was having a baby...it was that bad! I usually try not to miss a Monday workout and even though I haven't completely stuck with a fitness routine over the past few months I still made sure to get my Monday workout in and it was typically Total Body Cardio Fix. Even though I've done it several times, I haven't really been tuned in to my body, until today. This morning I noticed that those surrenders that, in the past, would've left me not being able to move didn't hurt so bad. Don't get me wrong, I still feel my muscles in my legs and they're sore, but not like they use to be. In one of her videos, Autumn says "It doesn't get easier, you get better" and it never hit home with me until today when I was talking to a fitness friend about my lack of soreness. I've gotten better at surrenders but there are still ways to modify them to keep those muscles burning.

Once I got on with my day I realized how much energy I had, yesterday on top of the headache my ears were bothering me. Dang pollen! My left ear was particularly painful and I could actually feel the fluid behind my eardrum which was not pleasant at all so I knew my Eustachian Tube was blocked. This happened to me last year, the day before a business trip where I had to be on an airplane for 18 hours!!! I took two Benadryl last night to help that and was pretty sure when I woke up this morning I would be groggy as can be and first thing this morning, before I got out of bed, I thought I was. However, once my feet hit the ground and I started getting dressed and getting my lunch together I realized I actually wasn't tired, I had energy! I honestly can't remember a single time that I've come into work and not had thoughts of crawling under my desk and going to sleep. So having energy and not feeling tired is a huge first! Don't get me wrong, it's rainy today and the rain hitting the tin roof is making me want to go to sleep but most days I'm sitting at my desk with my head propped up on my hand with toothpicks holding my eyes open, but not today!

My menu for today is pretty similar to yesterday, not surprising since I said yesterday that I like to keep things simple and have the same thing for breakfast every single day. Yep, you guessed it, 1 scrambled egg and 2 pieces of bacon was my breakfast! My plan for a morning snack was grapes but time got away from me and I was actually feeling hungry around 9:30 which is my typical snack time so I actually ate my almonds for my morning snack. I didn't eat them until after 10 though and I'm guessing from the way my body spoke to me that I ate them too late and too close to my workout because at one point I was certain I was about to get sick but I didn't. I gave myself a few minutes to recover and started again.

Lunch was kind of blah and I guess because of my issue during my workout I barely ate half of my food. I had baked chicken with veggie and brown rice stir fry. I didn't find it appealing at all so I ate what I wanted and put the rest back in the fridge. Since I didn't eat my grapes for my morning snack I'm going to eat them for one of my afternoon snacks and then just before I head home I'll eat my greek yogurt and strawberries. I've also allotted 1 tsp of peanut butter for today because I used 1 tsp of EVOO in my stir fry but it depends on how I'm feeling if I eat it or not. For dinner I planned on being at the softball field watching my daughter play but Mother Nature has other plans. Because of the rain I'll be eating baked chicken (SURPRISE!!!) with a small green salad and steamed broccoli.

As far as my container counts for the day so far, I have had 2-1/2 red, 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 yellow. I believe that's all, oh and of course my 1 tsp of EVOO. So, I still have 1-1/2 red (chicken and greek yogurt), 2 purple (grapes & strawberries), 2 green (green salad & broccoli), 1 orange (dressing), and of course the 1 tsp of peanut butter if I decide to eat it. I would say so far so good, I've changed a few things and gone off of the regularly scheduled programming for the day but I'm still doing good. I haven't drank a coke (cola, pop, soda...whatever you people who aren't southern call it) or had candy and I actually made the conscious decision that I would not make a cup of a little bit of coffee with a whole lot of milk and sugar even though I thought for sure this morning I NEEDED it. I looked myself in the mirror and said nope, you don't need that Ashley, what you need is to drink some water and eat a good, healthy, 21 Day Fix approved breakfast...and that's just what I did! Looking back on this morning I know that I would've been sluggish and felt like crap if I would've drank that cup of coffee, that's what always happens when I have a cup. I have a major sweet tooth so when I drink coffee I add a ton of sugar, seriously I would be ashamed if I said the amount out loud so I'm just going to save myself the embarrassment and of course I can't use creamer or any milk other than 2% because that's just what we do in our sweet little southern family. So, I made the decision to pass it up and to push past the thought process that it was something I NEEDED and I'm glad I did. I didn't NEED that cup of coffee, my mind was playing tricks on me and thankfully I knew it and made the right choice. Because of these things that I haven't done, I know that I'm on the right track, I'm having a good day, and I'm making good choices and I'm proud of that.

My workout for today was Upper Fix, as you can tell from the title it's all about upper body. I know when I first did this workout I thought "hmmm no big deal, it's just arms"...WRONG!!! My arms are like jello after I complete Upper Fix and they literally shake by themselves. It's not just arms though, there's planks, ab exercises, and leg work incorporated into this one workout. I honestly don't even think you realize it when you're going through the routine but you're targeting several muscle groups, the name just fools you! Even on exercises where you have just a tiny little bend in your knee your legs are working and if you do them hard enough you will feel it the next day. You're told to tighten your abs to protect your lower back but what you don't realize is that when you're doing these twists and stuff with your abs tightened, you're working them too and they'll be screaming in the morning. It has actually turned out to be one of my favorite workouts to do and I actually look forward to it.

Okay, lets be honest, I think all of the workouts in this program are my faves! Sure leg day is killer and I have yet to be able to do that entire workout without having to stop or not do certain exercises but my goodness does it feel good when it's done! The only workout that I don't care for in the 21 DF series is the Yoga Fix and I think that's simply because I'm not a yoga kind of girl and never have been. To each their own.

Here's to finishing out day 2 of the reboot with a bang and move on to day 3!

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